
Curt Raposa (X610900) 

The Automotive Technology program at Somerville High School is a NATEF (National Automotive Technical Education Foundation) certified program in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. This means students are on track for ASE certification in this field. This nationally recognized credential is an open door for worldwide employment in the automotive industry. Experienced graduates are sought-after technicians who are encouraged to continue both certification and training in a post-secondary institution with a major manufacturer such as: BMW, Ford, Chrysler, or GM. The training on the secondary level is intensive. Strong mathematical and computer skills are a necessity.


  • OSHA – 10
  • ASE – End of program exam

Articulation agreements

Somerville High School's Automotive Technology Program coordinates with the following colleges and institutions

  • Benjamin Franklin Institute of Technology
  • Wyoming Technical Institute
  • Universal Technical Institute

Automotive Technology graduates

Graduates work at the following companies

  • Honda of Boston
  • Colonial VW
  • Bonney Automotive
  • Boston VW
  • U-Haul of Somerville
  • Green Cab of Somerville