Somerville High School Open House Tours
The community is welcome to visit Somerville High School for a presentation and tour, lasting about 2 hours.
- Wednesday, February 12 from 8:15 to 10:00 a.m.
- Thursday, February 13 from 8:15 to 10:00 a.m. and 12:45 to 2:15 p.m.
- Snow date: Tuesday, February 25
February 12, 2025 Edition of the Highlander Times newsletter
- Scholarship application deadline Friday, February 14
- On the spot admissions for seniors event report-out
Read older editions of the newsletter.
Quick Info
- Report a Student Absence. Please visit the SHS Communities page and call your student's Community direct line or email the Community Administrative Assistant to report any student absences. Communities are organized by the first initial of the last name.
- Breakfast and Lunch Menus. All students receive free breakfast and lunch. Breakfast service begins at 7:15 a.m.
- SHS Office Hours: Monday–Friday, 7:15 a.m. to 3:15 p.m. During these hours, you can obtain work permits and request transcripts.
- Students received free MBTA passes for the 2024–2025 school year. Learn more.
- SFLC School-Based Family Liaisons: Nehemie St. Louis (Haitian Creole/English), TBD (Portuguese) 617-625-6600, Ashley Chacon (Spanish) x611047
- School Nurses: 2023–2024 SHS Nurses are Terri Emens (617-625-6600 x611062) and Maria Tully (617-625-6600 x611061). School Nursing. SHIP Program nurse Carli Eldridge x611063.
- CHA Somerville Teen Connection
- Work Permits: Print the Promise of Employment Application or pick up a copy in the main office.
- Log in to X-2 Aspen to find student-specific schedules. (Parents and Guardians are invited to log in for up-to-date information about their student's academic progress.) Check out the universal SHS Daily Schedule.
- Tech Support: Students having problems with their Chromebook or with technology, please visit the SPS Parent / Guardian Technology Support Website.
- SHS Library Website: Destiny Library Catalog:
- Join a Club! View the Clubs List.
- Volunteer Coordinator: Jen Capuano
- Transcript Requests and Education Verifications: Fill out the Somerville High School Transcript & Education Verification Request Form
- SHS School Improvement Council Information
- Visit the Safe Routes to School page for information about cycling and walking around Somerville.
- Tours for prospective students and families. To inquire about a tour, please fill out the request form. Please note–SHS tours are for prospective students and families only.
- F-1 Visa Program Information (for exchange students)
New student information
If you are new to Somerville Public Schools, click this link for more general information about Somerville High School.
Somerville High School Building Project
- Watch a video about the new building: SHS Building for Lifetime Learning
- Take an online tour of the new Somerville High School building.
- SHS Building Project Update
- Learn about the new building's Educational Plan in this informational video.
- Visit the SHS Building Project website to learn all about this project.
- Watch construction in real-time through time-lapse photography.
Accreditation Process
The Somerville High School (SHS) leadership team and the Somerville Public Schools district are pleased to announce that SHS plans to seek formal accreditation by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC). NEASC is a voluntary accrediting agency of more than 2,000 public and independent schools, colleges, and universities, and vocational, technical, and career institutions. Of these, approximately 725 schools are accredited through the Association's Commission on Public Schools. The Commission works with individual schools to improve the quality of education through a continuous process of evaluation and Accreditation.
Learn more:
- NEASC Overview
- SHS to Seek Accreditation from New England Association of Schools and Colleges
- NEASC Commission on Public Schools Report of the Visiting Team for Somerville High School
Contact Somerville High School: Main Office 617-629-5250. Marie Connolly or Irma Calderon.
Somerville High School regularly reports demographic and student progress data to the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE). This data is used to develop the annual No Child Left Behind progress report card for Somerville High School. The 2024 Somerville High School report card is available on the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education website.
Donate to the Somerville High School Scholarship Foundation.