Our Vision

We believe in developing the whole child一the intellectual, social, emotional, and physical potential of all students一by providing students with the skills, opportunities, and resources that will nurture innovative ideas, foster pride in diversity, inspire students to become lifelong learners, and empower them to enrich their communities.

Our Mission

Ours is a multicultural school community dedicated to the realization of the full intellectual, physical, social, and emotional potential of all students. In this pursuit, we shall maintain a safe environment that nurtures the curiosity, dignity, and self-worth of each individual.

The Somerville School Committee and District Administration work in partnership toward fulfilling the vision and mission of our District, and engaging the Somerville community in providing all Somerville youth with an exceptional educational experience.

The Somerville School Committee is comprised of seven elected members, each representing one of seven wards in the city. The Mayor of Somerville and the President of the Somerville City Council are also voting members of the Somerville School Committee. The School Committee establishes educational goals and policies for the District, and works with the Superintendent to ensure that educational goals and policies are met. The Superintendent also serves as Secretary of the Somerville School Committee.

2024 Somerville School Committee

  • Ilana Krepchin, Ward 2, Chair
  • Sarah Phillips, Ward 3, Vice-Chair
  • Emily Ackman, Ward 1
  • Andre L. Green, Ward 4
  • Laura Pitone, Ward 5
  • Ellenor Barish, Ward 6
  • Leiran Biton, Ward 7
  • Honorable Mayor Katjana Ballantyne
  • Judy Pineda Neufeld, President, Somerville City Council

Under the direction of the Superintendent, the District Administration team is responsible for implementing policy and providing professional leadership and support at schools and departments throughout the District, working toward established educational goals. The District's central administrative offices are located at 167 Holland Street and include the following central office departments: Office of the Superintendent, Curriculum/Instruction/Assessment, Student Services, Human Resources, Finance and Payroll, and Communications and Grants. Central administration office hours are Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Executive Leadership Team

  • Dr. Rubén Carmona, Superintendent of Schools
  • Amara Anosike, Chief of Staff
  • Dr. Jessica Boston Davis, Assistant Superintendent of Academics
  • Ildefonso Arellano, Director of Special Education
  • Elizabeth Doncaster, Director of Student Services
  • TBD, Chief Financial Officer
  • Paulina Mitropoulos, Director of Multilingual Learner Education
  • TBD, Chief Communications and Development Officer
  • Karen Woods, Chief Personnel Officer