What we do

  • Engage in a competency-based learning system
  • Create personalized pathways to graduation and beyond
  • Participate in project-based learning
  • Provide opportunities to expand emotional intelligence by integrating social emotional learning.

Our Mission

Next Wave / Full Circle is a tight-knit school community for students who have experienced academic setbacks and benefit from a personalized approach to learning. In order to meet the needs of our students we emphasize: Trusting Relationships, Authentic Learning Experiences, Growth Mindset and Student Voice and Choice, as essential components in our daily work. Our students graduate with the skill set needed to adapt to challenges and lead meaningful and productive lives.

Our Core Values

Collaboration | Empathy | Responsibility | Resilience | Excellence

We're Unique!

We are an alternative, therapeutic school community that serves students in grades 6-12 who have different learning styles and needs. Each student has a three-person support team, including their guidance counselor, teacher counselor, and a mental health clinician. Students also receive regular counseling during the day.

Our focus is on project-based learning and authentic, hands-on learning linked to courses that help students develop the leadership skills and confidence to successfully navigate their futures.

Students work with materials tailored to their own academic and emotional needs, and they proceed at their own pace with guidance from their support team every step of the way. Our highly qualified teachers are dual-certified in general education and special education.

Our small class sizes and family-like environment allow teachers to get to know their students as individuals and accommodate personal learning styles and needs.

Our students develop strong personal relationships with one another and with teachers and staff, which fosters participation in the school as a supportive, democratic community.

Next Wave students working with staff on math

School + Extras = Success

  • Small class sizes to support individualized learning.
  • Students earn a High School Diploma and follow the same rigorous core curriculum used throughout the Somerville Public Schools district.
  • Opportunities are available for FREE college credits through dual enrollment with Bunker Hill Community College.
  • Exciting and engaging electives and field trips only available to NW/FC students.
  • Students may participate in any Somerville High School Career and Technical Education programs, athletic teams, and music and arts programming.

Next Wave / Full Circle


School Administration

Principal: Margaret DePasquale Green

Assistant Principal: Jack Haverty


Learn more about Middle Grades Intramural and Interscholastic Sports.

School report card

The Next Wave and Full Circle Schools regularly report demographic and student progress data to the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE). This data is used to develop the annual No Child Left Behind progress report card for the NW/FC Schools. The Next Wave Junior High School 2024 report card and Full Circle High School 2024 report card can be found on the DESE website.

Next Wave / Full Circle Schools 6-12
Principal Margaret DePasquale Green
81 Highland Avenue
Somerville, MA 02143
United States
To report if your student will be absent, call 617-629-5640
School Hours
8:00am - 2:30pm
Full Circle High School (12:10 p.m. dismissal on Wednesdays)
8:20am - 2:30pm
Next Wave Junior High School (12:10 p.m. dismissal on Wednesdays)