
Our mission as educators is to foster the development of well-educated, responsible and productive citizens through a standards-based program of studies that encourages students to realize their intellectual, creative and civic potentials. In partnership with students, parents/guardians and members of the Somerville community, we strive to provide a healthy, safe, academically challenging, and supportive learning environment in which all students are valued and respected.

Student Expectations

I.   Expectations for Academic Performance

All students will be effective readers
All students will be effective writers
All students will be effective users of technology.
All students will be effective critical and creative thinkers.

II.   Expectations for Civic Performance

Students will volunteer and participate in school clubs and individual and group community service projects and performances.
Students will follow the rules and laws of school and society, while fostering civic responsibility.
Students will learn to consistently handle disagreement in a constructive and responsible way by showing respect and tolerance.
Students will learn how to make safe and healthy decisions as part of the life-long learning process.

III.   Expectations for Social Performance

Students will exhibit ethical behavior in school and in the community.
Students will help other students in the daily activities of school and social interaction