SHS Math Teaching Staff
Mathematics Department HeadPatricia Murphy-Sheehy. 617-625-6600. Phones are staffed from Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m.- 4:00 p.m. 
Read about the SHS Class of 2023 Math Scholarship recipients from the Somerville Math Fund.

Course Offerings

Find out about Programming Courses, Advanced Placement Courses, and more in the Current Year Program of Studies Handbook.

Fun Math Activities and Useful Links

A+ Math Interactive educational math activities including math games, worksheets, flashcards, and more

AAA Math This features a comprehensive set of interactive arithmetic lessons.

Algebasics This is a terrific free site which explains many concepts that I talk about every day to students.

Bright Storm This is another website with math content explained using videos.

Khan Academy This is a great website with videos and exercises explaining many math concepts.

Math Chase Fun math games

Math Homework Help This is one of many sites to visit for help with your math homework.

Math Textbook Answers This site provides answers and explanations to the odd problems from many math texts.

National Council of Teachers of Mathematics This is a national math teacher association site with information for teachers, parents, and students.

Web Math This is composed of forms to fill in and then it returns an analysis of a problem and, when possible, provides a step-by-step solution.

X-2 Aspen Click here to access a student's electronic file at SHS including their transcript, a list of assignments, and current grade. A logon and password is required.

Youcubed Is dedicated to inspiring, educating and empowering teachers of mathematics, transforming the latest research on math into accessible and practical forms.