Liaisons are here to support you!
Our multilingual team of liaisons are ready to welcome you to school, answer questions about school programs, connect you to services and resources in the community, coordinate interpretation for school meetings, and more.
To reach a liaison, call 617-625-6600, followed by their extension number.
Many liaisons are fluent in another language in addition to English.
Albert F. Argenziano School: Telma Leitao, ext. 6354, Portuguese.
Benjamin G. Brown School: Marla Aguirre, ext. 6415, Spanish.
Capuano Early Childhood Center: Deborah Duarte-Calorio, ext. 3607 or 781-708-7289 (work cell), Portuguese.
East Somerville Community School: Gisela Hernandez, ext. 3709, Spanish and Marla Aguirre, ext. 3707, Spanish.
Arthur D. Healey School: Heidy Castro, ext. 6551, Spanish. Deborah Duarte-Calorio, ext. 6598, Portuguese.
John F. Kennedy School: Francesca Nguyen Vo Broekman, ext. 6604
West Somerville Neighborhood School: Lee-Anne King, ext. 6451
Winter Hill Community Innovation School: Karla Cabrera, ext. 6766, Spanish and MaryLou Carey-Sturniolo, ext. 6708, Portuguese
Next Wave/Full Circle Schools and Somerville High: Eline Santana, 781-915-9620 (work cell), Portuguese
Somerville High School: Scarlett Brea Soto, ext. 611041, Spanish
Somerville High School (Elm Community): Ashley Chacon, ext. 611047, Spanish
Somerville High School (Elm Community): Jayr Frenandes, ext. 611045, Portuguese
District-wide Liaison for Families who speak Haitian Creole: Nehemie St. Louis, ext. 611531, Haitian Creole