
Parents and Guardians 

Out-of-School Time

Find afterschool, vacation week and summer programming from SPS and Community Partners here.

Resources for Somerville Families

Find local help with rental assistance, legal support, food, and more:

English Resources for Families

Recursos para Familias de Somerville (Spanish)

Resous pa fanmi Somerville  (Haitian Creole)

Recursos para familias (Portuguese)

Developmental Screening

Ages and Stages

Do you have questions about how your child is learning or developing skills? The SFLC has a FREE program to answer these kinds of questions. This program is open to all Somerville Families. Free Developmental Screening checklists for families to fill out about children between 1 month and 5 years old using the "Ages and Stages" system.


Home Visits

The Somerville ParentChild+ Program focuses on under-resourced families who may be challenged by poverty, language barriers and other obstacles to success in school. Participation is based on an assessment of a family's access to educational opportunities and referrals from community agencies. ParentChild+ is a school readiness and family support program for parents and their children. Multilingual Early Literacy Home Visitors work with families with children between 18 months and 4 years old. The program focuses on developing language, literacy and school readiness skills in order to prepare children to enter school "ready to learn." Using carefully chosen books and toys, trained Home Visitors model verbal interaction through reading and play for the parent and child together. Visits are conducted twice a week for 30 minutes over a two-year period. For more information call 617-625-6600 x6992 or email National ParentChild+ program website:

Parent / Guardian English Classes

SFLC Parent/Guardian English Classes are offered to parents/guardians of SPS students. Participants can practice and strengthen their English language skills while learning about and becoming more engaged with their child’s education. SFLC works in collaboration with The Welcome Project to provide classes held in the morning and evening. Parents/Guardians can register for classes by filling out the Interest Form. For more information, please reach out to Marla Aguirre at, 617-629-5400 x 3707 or the SFLC: 617-625-6600 X6966



Somerville Public Schools' Talking About Racism and Activism has learning resources for families.


2019 Social Story for Week of the Young Child: I Live Here in Somerville!


2017 & 2018 Social Story for the Week of the Young Child: 

Social Story: Working Together for a Wonderful City

A Social Story to Help Children During Hard Times: When Things Feel Terrible

A Social Story to Help with Biting: A Mouth Can

Websites One-stop shopping for early childhood activities in Somerville.


Educator Guide

Educator Guide

Multilingual Services

Multilingual Services ensures access to interpretation and translation services for Somerville Public School staff in order to communicate with school families. The Multilingual Services team is comprised of 100 staff members who speak 22 languages, including English, Spanish, Portuguese, Haitian Creole, and lower incident languages. Contact: Maura Mendoza, Multilingual Services Coordinator, 617-625-6600 ext. 6958.