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Resource Guide for Somerville Families
MIRA Website: Resources
At Somerville Public Schools, we are committed to supporting all students and families, regardless of immigration status. Every child has the right to access high-quality education in an inclusive and safe environment under federal law. If you have any questions, email families@k12.somerville.ma.us or call 617-625-6600 x6966.
Resolution to Affirm SPS as Safe and Welcoming for All Students | RESOLUCIÓN en español | Resolução em português | Rezolisyon an kreyòl ayisyen
The Somerville Public Schools has policies in place
We protect your privacy. Somerville Public Schools does not ask for or disclose families' immigration status. This protection is required by federal and state law. We do not share student records with anyone without parent/guardian consent or a court order issued by a judge.
- We continue to keep students’ needs and education at the forefront of daily operations.
- We are committed to supporting immigrant students and families. If you or your student need extra support, we have counselors, social workers, and family liaisons who are ready to help. Contact your Family Liaison, and they can connect you to people and resources.
Frequently Asked Questions for Somerville Families
How can I care for my family right now?
We encourage you to continue your normal routines for your children. This can help reduce stress, foster positive social interactions and help your child continue to progress academically.
How can I prepare my family in case of an emergency?
It is extremely important that your school has the most updated list of emergency contacts for your family. Please contact your school’s main office to update your information.
What resources and tools can help my family be prepared?
There are many ways to prepare your family. This website has important information that can help you think through the options that will work best for your family.
Who can help me in Somerville Public Schools?
SPS Family Liaisons can support you with many things, including helping you fill out a Caregiver Authorization Affidavit Form. We also offer free notarization services for SPS Families. If you would like help in any way, please contact your Family Liaison to make an appointment.
What other resources are available to me?
- The Massachusetts Immigrant & Refugee Advocacy (MIRA) Coalition has a lot of resources that can help your family. Visit this website to learn more.
- If you are looking for legal support, here is a list of Local Legal Resources.
- If you are looking for hands-on support, the Somerville Office of Immigrant Affairs (SomerViva) has a multilingual staff who can help immigrant families living in Somerville. You may make a request on-line using this link or you may call a number below.
Spanish 617-625-6600 x2122 or 2624
Portuguese 617-625-6600 x2123 or 2627
Haitian Creole 617-625-6600 x2622 or 2625
Nepali 617-625-6600 x2610
Mandarin and Cantonese 617-625-6600 x2626
Other languages 617-625-6600 x2623
- Last but not least, click on this link to see a comprehensive set of Resources for Somerville Families: bit.ly/SRG_25