Being physically fit and healthy has a direct effect on the social, emotional, and mental well-being of a child. The Health and Physical Education Department provides students with 21st century Health and Physical Education that encompasses contemporary concepts and rich experiences in a collaborative environment. 

Nicole Viele, Supervisor for Health and Physical Education, K-12

Meet the Staff



ETR's HealthSmart program teaches the essential concepts and skills students need to know and practice to adopt healthy behaviors. The ultimate goal of the HealthSmart program is to promote the healthy growth and development of youth and give them the knowledge and skills to make healthy choices and establish life-long healthy behaviors. 

Lessons are focused on the essential concepts and skills that will enable students to develop, practice and support specific healthy behaviors. Activities are developmentally appropriate, challenge students in a variety of ways, and accommodate a range of learning styles. 

  • Meets the National Health Education Standards.

  • Focuses on the primary areas of risk for children and adolescents identified and monitored by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

  • Reflects the characteristics of an effective health education curriculum defined by the CDC. 

  • Incorporates key knowledge and skill expectations detailed in the CDC's Health Education Curriculum Analysis Tool (HECAT) for each grade level.

  • Supports social and emotional learning (SEL).

  • Scope and Sequence K-5, Scope and Sequence Middle Grades, Scope and Sequence High School

One Love

An evidence-based curriculum that teaches young people how to identify – and to know what to do when they see – the signs of an unhealthy relationship in their own or their friends’ lives. These seven learning objectives summarize the skills and beliefs that are key to positively changing relationship behavior.

Social Competency

Teaching socio-emotional skills promotes good development, a peaceful classroom, increases academic achievement, and improves future success. All Prekindergarten to grade 8 classrooms are adopting the Second Step program, with classroom teachers providing direct instruction in socio-emotional skills. Additionally, some schools like the Winter Hill Community Innovation School supplement this with the Responsive Classroom program.

Healthy Choices: Alcohol, Drug, and Violence Prevention

The Somerville Public Schools are committed to maintaining a safe and secure learning environment to maximize student learning. We support students effectively communicating their needs, interests, and opinions, making healthy choices, and respecting the needs, interests, and opinions of others. 



  • Enjoy and seek out physical activity.
  • Develop and maintain acceptable levels of physical fitness.
  • Develop a variety of basic movement and manipulative skills so they will experience success and feel comfortable during present and future physical activity pursuits.
  • Develop the ability to get along with others in movement environments (e.g., share space and equipment, employ the “golden rule” of competition: be a good sport and demonstrate cooperative behavior).




All students are required to take a minimum of one Physical Education or Health Education course each year. All students are required to take and pass Health Education 1 and Health Education 2 or a Health elective along with two semester courses in physical education.


Grade 9: Health Education 1 is embedded in the Exploratory program AND fulfills the Health 1 requirement.

Grade 10: CTE Students are required to enroll in at least one semester of a physical education course.

Grade 11 and 12: Health Education 2 and one Physical Education course are embedded in CTE 3 and 4 courses AND fulfills Health Education 2 and one semester of physical education. You may enroll in additional physical education or health electives.


Health Education is committed to providing an educational program that meets the personal, cultural, creative, and career needs of our students. The program offers the student an opportunity to master many life skill competencies that will assist  them in becoming a concerned, responsible, contributing member of society. Health Education encourages the student to develop habits and attitudes that will help achieve "wellness" throughout their lifetime.



This course offers topics of instruction that will be helpful for the health and wellness of students now and in adulthood. This is the first of two health related courses.  Areas covered will include: human body systems, genetics and heredity, human sexuality and reproduction, nutrition, alcohol, tobacco and drugs, self-discovery skills, STD’s and HIV/AIDS, communicable diseases, mental/emotional health and community health resources. This course is recommended for the ninth grade. 


Prerequisite:  Health I                                                                                                                                        

This program of instruction will build on the content of Health Education I and introduce various new topics.  Emphasis is on understanding how the body’s structure and function is affected by our health behavior.  Areas covered will include: Nutrition, Body Systems, Infectious Diseases and Pathogens, Non-Infectious Diseases, Gerontology, personal safety (first aid and CPR), Prenatal Development and Birth, Ecology, and Environmental Health.

WELLNESS FOR COLLEGE AND CAREER                                                                                                                        

Prerequisite:  Health I

This skills-based health course will provide students with the knowledge and skills to lead a healthy life while in college.  Students will learn and demonstrate dimensions of wellness and their ability to successfully navigate topics such as financial wellness, personal safety on college campuses, mental and emotional health, creating safe and comforting spaces, mindfulness, and study skills and test-taking skills.    Additionally, this course will prepare students for living on a budget, sleep, its effect on the brain, and exercise, among other topics.  Students will demonstrate their skills by participating in hands-on projects and analyzing different college campuses. 


The goal of the Physical Education Program is to encourage students to develop habits, attitudes and mastery of life management skills that will promote physical and mental “wellness.” The core concepts of health and physical education literacy, healthy self-management and health promotion are woven into the curriculum.  Physical Education course topics are aligned with the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Physical Education Framework standards.



This course presents curriculum topics and developmental approaches to physical education.  The students will demonstrate proficiency in some sports skills and competence in others.  The emphasis is placed upon team sports and the critical movement skills involved.  This class will have a more developmental focus on basic rules and simple strategies and incorporating game play.  The class will be taught at a pace conducive to incorporating various skill levels and can be repeated by students.  This class will also include basic cardiovascular fitness activities.  Students may take this course more than once for credit.



Introduction to Dance  is an opportunity to move to music and express yourself. In this course, we will  explore a variety of dance styles including Contemporary and Bachata. Students will practice dance techniques, improving their overall strength and flexibility. Students will learn dance choreography as well as create their own dance routines. Dance is a joyful environment, supporting students’ physical coordination, creativity, self-confidence and  teamwork. Introduction to Dance is open to all levels of experience (beginner - advanced). This course applies towards the Physical Education requirement. Students can take this course more than once for credit.



Yoga is a welcoming environment for students to stretch their bodies and relax their minds. Students will practice yoga poses, improving their overall flexibility and strength. Students will also explore mindfulness practices such as meditation, breathwork and journaling. Yoga aims to support students’ physical, mental and emotional well-being. Yoga is open to all levels of experience (Beginner - Advanced). This course applies towards the Physical Education requirement. Students can take this course more than once for credit.  


This course presents curriculum topics that emphasize lifetime activities, including golf, archery, and a variety of net and court activities for recreation and well-being. Additionally, the use of the  indoor rock wall with emphasis on teamwork, trust, problem solving and physical challenges, will be the main ingredient in this course. This course includes various teamwork, trust-building, and cooperative activities and games.  Students may take this course more than once for credit.



This course will enable students to obtain the knowledge and skills necessary to develop and maintain a health-enhancing level of fitness and to increase physical competence, self-esteem and the motivation to pursue lifelong physical  activity. This course presents curriculum topics in a clinical approach to fitness and weight training. Topics include cardiovascular endurance,  muscular strength, muscular endurance, balance  and flexibility and the application of scientific principles and methods used to build, improve and maintain proper muscular fitness. Students will also learn to set and execute personal fitness goals.   Students may take this course more than once for credit.     



This course provides high school students with a general overview of athletic training and sports medicine. Students will learn basic physiological and anatomical principles and how they relate to common injuries. Students will learn an athletic trainer's scope of practice in injury prevention,  basic first-aid, rehabilitation to injuries and emergency injury management. Preference will be given to seniors and students enrolled in Human Anatomy and Physiology courses in the Science Department. Students may take this course or Sports Management in place of one of the two required Physical Education courses. 



This course is designed to give students an introduction into the field of sport management. Emphasis will be placed on the basic management and marketing skills necessary in the operation of sport organizations. The five major functions of sports management are planning, organizing, leading, controlling, and evaluating will be emphasized. Students may take this course or Sports Medicine in place of one of the two required Physical Education courses.



In partnership with the Health and Physical Education Department, Somerville Recreation, and Somerville YMCA, students will have the opportunity to become a Lifeguard. In addition to earning Physical Education credit, a student who also passes the appropriate tests will earn their certification in CPR and AED/First Aid, Water Safety Instruction (WSI/teaching swim classes), and Lifeguard certification. By the end of the course, the lifeguard physical exam requires students to swim six lengths of the pool without stopping, treading water for three minutes, and retrieving a ten pound brick from the bottom of the pool. *This course will be scheduled for class 7.*



In conjunction with Foundations of Physical Education which is offered to those students who have been determined by their IEP Team to require specially designed instruction in Physical Education; this course will incorporate Unified Physical Education which is an opportunity for students of varying ability levels and backgrounds to come together on equal terms through ongoing fitness, sports (including unified basketball and track and field), leadership and wellness activities. This course focuses on the physical, intellectual and social growth of all participants.



BADMINTON CLUB - Advisor Maura Goodwin

Google Classroom Code:  gzhdvlc

Meeting times vary due to gym availability


PICKLEBALL CLUB - Advisor Lydia Pelletier

Google Classroom Code: TBD

Meeting times TBD


SHS DANCE COMPANY - Advisor Ava Untermyer- Majumder 

Google Classroom Code: rn4pidf

Meeting times Tuesdays & Thursdays 3:30 - 5:00


FITNESS -Advisors Joe Angelo, Derick DiVincenzo, Justin Laberge, Mark Kirwan

Center times M-F 7-7:45AM and  M, T, Th, Fri 2:45-4:45PM