School Day Schedules and Standards Alignment

DESE Requirement

Learning Standards - Consistent with 603 CMR 27.08(3)(b), all students – whether learning in-person or remotely – must have access to grade-level instruction in all content areas included in the Massachusetts curriculum frameworks. While the scope and sequence of the instruction teachers provide will vary depending on student needs and district requirements, all students will be required to take the MCAS tests in spring 2021. Students learning remotely should also have opportunities to engage in enrichment opportunities and receive intervention support as needed.

How Somerville Public Schools is Meeting that Requirement


Students will receive both synchronous and asynchronous regularly scheduled instruction from 8:45 a.m. to 1:45 p.m. Monday-Friday, except scheduled holidays. Student schedules are specific to school and grade level. Schedules were sent to individual students and families on September 11 by email and posted on Blackboard. 

Students will receive 1-2 hours of daily synchronous instruction, as well as independent work connected to what they are learning through synchronous lessons. All pre-K instruction is aligned with the Massachusetts Guidelines for Preschool Learning Experiences as well as the EEC Early Learning Standards and Curriculum Guidelines. We will continue adhering to the learning trajectories for preschool that focus on:

  • Essential Balanced Literacy Practices
  • Mathematical Thinking
  • Social Emotional Learning
  • Approaches to Play and Learning
  • Physical Development
  • Artistic Expression
  • Science and Social Studies


Students will receive both synchronous and asynchronous regularly scheduled instruction from 8:15 a.m. to 2:35 p.m. Monday-Friday, except scheduled holidays. Student schedules are specific to school and grade level. Schedules were sent to individual students and families on September 11 by email through Blackboard. 

The amount of synchronous instruction and support that a student receives may vary based on the student's needs. In general, kindergarten students will receive 1-2 hours of synchronous instruction. Small transition times and breaks will be built into students’ schedules to allow for breaks between synchronous blocks of learning. 

Synchronous instruction includes, but is not limited to: 

  • Whole-group Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) or community-oriented blocks such as morning meetings
  • Whole-class instruction
  • Small-group instruction or intervention
  • Drop-in academic support
  • One-on-one assistance

Core content areas - Math, ELA, Science, Social Studies, Specialists, and SEL - will be provided. All kindergarten instruction is closely aligned with DESE grade-level standards. Curriculum resources aligned to grade-level standards have been developed by the SPS coaching team to provide educator support and to ensure standards are integrated into instruction. In addition, key standards from the previous year are woven within our curriculum resources.

In addition to synchronous instruction, time for recess and lunch (30 minutes) will be built into the schedule, as well as approximately 4 hours of meaningful independent work connected to learning experienced during synchronous lessons.

Students requiring English language learner services will receive them daily as required by DESE. Students who qualify for Special Education services will receive supports during both synchronous and asynchronous learning in alignment with their IEP minutes.

Grades 1-5

Students will receive both synchronous and asynchronous regularly scheduled instruction from 8:15 a.m. to 2:35 p.m. Monday-Friday, except scheduled holidays. Student schedules are specific to school and grade level. Schedules were sent to individual students and families on September 11 by email and posted on Blackboard. 

The amount of synchronous instruction and support that a student receives may vary based on the student's needs. In general, students in grades 1-2 will receive 1-2 hours of synchronous instruction, and students in grades 3-5 will receive 2-3 hours of synchronous instruction. Small transition times and breaks will be built into students’ schedules to allow for breaks between synchronous blocks of learning. Synchronous instruction includes, but is not limited to: 

  • Whole-class instruction
  • Whole-group Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) or community-oriented blocks such as morning meetings
  • Small-group instruction or intervention
  • Drop-in academic support
  • One-on-one assistance

Student schedules will include core content areas - Math, ELA, Science, Social Studies, Specialists, and SEL. All elementary instruction, grades 1-5, is closely aligned with DESE grade-level standards. Curriculum resources aligned to grade-level standards have been developed by the SPS coaching team to provide educator support and to ensure standards are integrated into instruction. In addition, key standards from the previous year are woven within our curriculum resources.

In addition to synchronous instruction, time for recess and lunch (30 minutes) will be built into the schedule, as well as approximately 4 hours of meaningful independent work connected to learning experienced during synchronous lessons.

Students requiring English language learner services will receive them daily as required by DESE. Students who qualify for Special Education services will receive supports during both synchronous and asynchronous learning in alignment with their IEP minutes.                   

Grades 6-8

Students will receive both synchronous and asynchronous regularly scheduled instruction from 8:15 a.m. to 2:35 p.m. Monday-Friday, except scheduled holidays. Student schedules are specific to school and grade level. Schedules were sent to individual students and families on September 11 by email and posted on Blackboard. 

The amount of synchronous instruction and support that a student receives may vary based on the student's needs. In general, students in grades 6-8 will get 3-4 hours of synchronous instruction and support. Small transition times and breaks will be built into students’ schedules to allow for breaks between synchronous blocks of learning. Synchronous instruction includes, but is not limited to: 

  • Whole-class instruction
  • Whole-group Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) or community-oriented blocks such as morning meetings
  • Small-group instruction or intervention
  • Drop-in academic support
  • One-on-one assistance

Student schedules will include core content areas - Math, ELA, Science, Social Studies, Spanish (where applicable), Specialists, and SEL. Curriculum and instruction in grades 6-8 is closely aligned with DESE grade-level standards. Curriculum resources aligned to grade-level standards have been developed by the SPS coaching team to provide educator support and to ensure standards are integrated into instruction. In addition, key standards from the previous year are woven within our curriculum resources.

In addition to synchronous instruction, time for recess and lunch (30 minutes) will be built into the schedule, as well as approximately 2-3 hours of meaningful independent work connected to learning experienced during synchronous lessons.

Students requiring English language learner services will receive them daily as required by DESE. Students who qualify for Special Education services will receive supports during both synchronous and asynchronous learning in alignment with their IEP minutes. 

Next Wave/Full Circle Students 

Students will receive both synchronous and asynchronous regularly scheduled instruction from 8:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Monday-Friday, except scheduled holidays. Student schedules are specific to school and grade level. Schedules were sent to individual students and families on September 11 by email and posted on Blackboard. 

Next Wave/Full Circle students in grades 6-12 will receive 3-4 hours of synchronous instruction. Small transition times and breaks will be built into students’ schedules to allow for breaks between synchronous blocks of learning. Synchronous instruction includes, but is not limited to: 

  • Whole-class instruction
  • Whole-group Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) or community-oriented blocks such as morning meetings
  • Small-group instruction or intervention
  • Drop-in academic support
  • One-on-one assistance

Next Wave/Full Circle will continue to narrow the instructional focus to better support teachers and students while simultaneously transitioning to a completely project based model. Students will engage in at least one cross-curricular, co-taught class aligned to two academic requirements. Each student will also be enrolled in a WIN (What I Need) block, focusing on addressing student needs and providing support, as well as counseling supports. All Next Wave/Full Circle instruction is closely aligned with DESE grade-level standards. Curriculum resources aligned to grade-level standards were developed by the Next Wave/Full Circle team to ensure that required standards are being taught and to reinforce key standards from the previous year. 

In addition to synchronous instruction, time for lunch (30 minutes) will be built into the schedule, as well as approximately 2-3 hours of meaningful independent work connected to learning experienced during synchronous lessons.

Somerville High School Students

Students will receive both synchronous and asynchronous regularly scheduled instruction from 8:00 a.m. to 3:15 p.m. Monday-Friday, except scheduled holidays. 

Somerville High School (SHS) students in grades will receive up to 4 hours of synchronous instruction. Small transition times and breaks will be built into students’ schedules to allow for breaks between synchronous blocks of learning. Synchronous instruction includes, but is not limited to: 

  • Whole-class instruction
  • Whole-group Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) or community-oriented blocks such as morning meetings
  • Small-group instruction or intervention
  • Drop-in academic support
  • One-on-one assistance

Students will have the opportunity to take up to 7 courses. This includes CTE, access to core subject courses, Advanced Placement courses, and electives. All SHS instruction is closely aligned with DESE grade-level standards. Curriculum resources aligned to grade-level standards were developed by the Somerville High School team to ensure that required standards are being taught and to reinforce key standards from the previous year. 

Students requiring English language learner services will receive them daily as required by DESE. Students who qualify for Special Education services will receive supports during both synchronous and asynchronous learning in alignment with their IEP minutes. 

In addition to synchronous instruction, 30 minutes for lunch will be built into the schedule, as well as 2-3 hours of meaningful independent work connected to what they are learning in synchronous lessons.