Extreme Cold Expected

Expect updates about school changes due to weather here and through direct email. Thank you.

Important information about extreme cold weather and your child’s safety:

Frostbite can occur in less than 15 minutes in extremely cold weather and it can cause serious injury. Small children are most vulnerable to frostbite. In order to stay safe, please cover fingers, toes, noses and ears with warm hats, scarves, mittens and boots. These are the areas of the body where frostbite strikes first.

On school days with extreme cold, do not drop your child off before school opens. Pick up your child on time at the end of the school day, so that children and our staff members do not have to stay outside for long periods of time.

Athletics Practice during extreme cold weather:

There are no sports practices or competitions that take place outdoors in the winter, except long distance running. Track long distance runners are advised to wear appropriate clothing, based on Athletics Department guidelines, but they do not run outdoors during extremely cold weather.