Instrument Instruction

Did you know that Somerville Public Schools offers string and band instrument instruction at all our schools during the school day? Instruction is FREE, but students will need an instrument for participating in class, practicing at home, and for performances. Students may rent an instrument and qualified students may borrow one of the instruments owned by the school music department. 

Strings Instruments

Violin, viola, cello, bass

  • Starts in 4th grade at the West Somerville Neighborhood School, the Kennedy School, the Argenziano School, the Healey School and Winter Hill Community Innovation School.
  • Starts in 3rd grade at the East Somerville Community School and the Brown School.

Renting an instrument

Students who choose to rent a string instrument, should follow this link for information on recommended rental companies

Borrowing School instruments

Families who cannot afford to rent an instrument can borrow a school instrument for the duration of the year. There is a one-time payment. You must sign a contract and assume responsibility for the instrument throughout the year. This program is only for your family, if the cost of renting an instrument will stop your student from participating. Due to limited supply of certain instruments, first choice of instrument is not guaranteed. 

Questions about the Strings Program

Please email any of the string teachers with your questions: Ms. Joanne Sadler, Lu YuVanessa Fitzgerald, or Immei Wong.


Band and Percussion Instruments


Band educators will demonstrate the instruments for students in grades 4–6 during the first ten days of school of the school year. Students may choose an instrument, which will then be distributed during the first full week of school 

Alto Saxophone, Clarinet, Flute, Trumpet, Trombone, and Percussion (snare drum with a bell set) 

  • In 4th grade, students may learn the trumpet or the clarinet at the Argenziano School, the Brown School, the East Somerville Community School, the Healey School, the Kennedy School, and the West Somerville Neighborhood School.
  • All 5th and 6th grade students may learn any of the instruments listed above. The band staff can help your student find the band instrument for which they are best suited.

The band educators do not recommend purchasing a wind instrument for a beginning student, especially from a site that sells non-musical items. Those tend to be poor-quality instruments that will make it difficult for students to be successful. Please consult Ms. Sears before you purchase a wind instrument. 

Renting an instrument

Families may rent a band instrument through Needham Music or another rental company of the family’s choice. Needham Music has a representative who makes regular visits to Somerville. Needham Music rentals.


Percussion students are expected to have a practice pad and sticks. Families may buy this equipment online or at a music store. The percussion teachers recommend size 2B drumsticks. Some recommended brands for practice pads are Remo, Evans and Vic Firth. 

The music department does not loan out these items. Please contact Ms. Sears if you need help obtaining these items. 


Families who cannot afford to rent wind instruments may borrow an instrument from the SPS for a small fee. The annual fee is $25 for a flute, clarinet, trumpet or trombone and $30 for an alto saxophone. Families must assume responsibility for borrowed instruments. 


Visit Somerville Bands or contact one of the educators listed below.

Somerville High School

Ashton Bowles or Jacob Gabriszeski.

Elementary and Middle Grades

Ms. Rosemary Sears or Patrick Charles.