Frequently Asked Questions

Community Schools Afterschool Program


If my student is waitlisted, what is the likelihood that they will get into Afterschool during the school year?

While we do our very best to offer spots to students on the waitlist as soon as possible, we strongly recommend that if your student is placed on the waitlist you consider other options for afterschool care. You may remain on our waitlist, however pursuing other options is advised as we will not be able to guarantee if and when your student may receive a spot on the program.


How long does it take to get off the waitlist?

It depends. Waitlists at each school site can vary; they depend on factors such as number of students seeking a spot at each school, staffing, and students moving into and out of schools and programs. We do our best to clear waitlists as soon as possible.


What is the monthly fee?


$157.00 per week for 5 days.  (PK at all schools has only a 5 day option.)


$147 per week for 5 days (This is the only option available to students at the Capuano.)
$137 per week for 4 days (Only available at schools other than the Capuano.)
$117 per week for 3 days (Only available at schools other than the Capuano.)

Grades 1 - 5

$147 per week for 5 days
$137 per week for 4 days
$117 per week for 3 days


Is financial assistance available?

Yes, for eligible students. Apply for funding within the program using the Financial Assistance Application Forms, or through a voucher or subsidy funded by the Early Education and Care Department of Massachusetts. A sliding fee scale makes afterschool programming more accessible to families. Income levels have been increased to better align with affordable housing guidelines and expand access to more families. If you didn't qualify before, you may qualify for some type of reduced rate now, based on the number of family members and your monthly family income. We encourage you to apply or contact our office to learn more 617-625-6600 x6970. Tuition Assistance Application Form: English, Spanish, Portuguese, Haitian Creole

PK financial assistance is available on a sliding scale. Childcare Choices of Boston (ABCD) vouchers are accepted. If your family is not eligible for a voucher or is on the EEC waiting list, families are encouraged to apply for scholarship assistance by using the Tuition Assistance Application Forms above.


What kinds of activities are provided during Afterschool Programming?

Students can expect some unstructured time to play with friends and time to complete their homework. We also offer a wide variety of engaging clubs that complement the Somerville Public Schools grade-level curriculum. The clubs vary by school, but past clubs we have offered are gardening, martial arts, hip hop dance, big builders, world languages, cooking, trains, LEGO™, community service, yoga, parkour and rock climbing.


Does the Afterschool Program run during school vacation weeks?

Yes, we run special full day programs on February and April breaks, and a summer program. Enrollment for these programs are offered first to existing Afterschool Program students. More information about registration and cost can be found on our website:


Is the district planning to increase available number of Afterschool spots to help clear the waitlist?

We continue to expand the program where possible. Since 2016, the Afterschool Program has expanded by more than 53%, increasing from 500 enrolled students in 2016 to 768 enrolled students in 2023. From 2022 to 2023, available spots in the Afterschool Program increased by more than 65. 


Can I only sign my student up for a few days per week instead of all 5?

Yes, but not at all sites: Prekindergarten students and kindergarten students at the Capuano site have the option to attend five days per week and may not choose a shorter week. Students in grades kindergarten to grade 5 may choose to enroll in afterschool for five, four, or three days per week.


The adults in my home work full time and we need childcare. If we don’t get an Afterschool spot are there other options available to us?

Yes, there are several high-quality afterschool childcare programs available through external organizations. Please visit the City of Somerville Somerville Hub Connect website to learn more about these options and to find enrollment information:


Where does Afterschool Programming take place?

Afterschool programming takes place at the school where a student is enrolled. Programs are offered at all our PK–8 schools. 


Is there a program at every SPS school?

Community Schools afterschool programs are offered at all our PK–8 schools for students in grades prekindergarten through grade 5.