Next Wave / Full Circle Remote Learning Plan
NWFC Mission Statement
Next Wave / Full Circle is a tight-knit school community for students who have experienced academic setbacks and benefit from a personalized approach to learning. In order to meet the needs of our students we emphasize: Trusting Relationships, Authentic Learning Experiences, Growth Mindset and Student Voice and Choice, as essential components in our daily work. Our students graduate with the skill set needed to adapt to challenges and lead meaningful and productive lives.
Remote Learning Overview
During this time of school closure we will continue to engage and connect our students to educational opportunities that foster academic and social emotional growth. Understanding that we cannot replicate the school day, or the in-person learning experience, students will be offered opportunities to connect to all their teachers/counselors and classes. Teachers will use Google Classroom as a homebase but may also use other communication modes to connect with students. Teachers will share weekly learning plans offering online class meetings, counseling group/LSG meetings, as well as “office hours” for students needing more support.
Students that receive individual counseling will also have opportunities to connect with their counselor. Counselors will coordinate with students and families about the best time and way to set this up (modes could be phone calls, face to face using an online platform in Google).
Student Expectations:
- Complete assigned work for each class on a weekly basis;
- Attend on-line real time (synchronous) class meetings and counseling groups;
- Communicate with teachers if they are not able to attend class or they can’t access or complete work;
- Reach out to NWFC teacher/counselors for support;
- Notify any staff member for assistance with technology issues;
- Attend support sessions with teachers if they need specialized instruction or modifications.
Student Support:
In addition to their teachers & teacher/counselors, students may also access support from the Clinical Team:
- MaryAnn Beaton, Clinical Coordinator
- Liz Doneghey, Crisis Counselor
- Nikki Artavia, Crisis Counselor
- Dan McCaul, Guidance Counselor
- Francois Joseph, Dean of Students
- Sam Diedhiou, Substance Abuse Counselor
4th Quarter Grades will be Pass/Fail. Pass will equal the maximum amount of credits in each class.
Core Values:
During this unprecedented time we encourage all members of the NWFC community to reflect on the Core Values and how they can continue to embody them while we are apart:
- Resilience: We are a community of resilient learners. We believe mistakes, challenges and setbacks are opportunities to grow and improve.
- Empathy: We embrace each others’ unique experiences and perspectives, understanding our differences in order to build healthy relationships.
- Responsibility: We continually work on our goals and assume ownership for our actions, work and attitude.
- Collaboration: We work together in a safe learning environment to share ideas, and utilize each other’s strengths.
- Excellence: We strive for excellence by knowing ourselves and using that knowledge for both intellectual and social-emotional growth.