Somerville Public Schools Preschool programs

Enroll in SPS Preschool Programs

Somerville Public Schools offers a variety of tuition-free preschool programs to meet the needs of all students: Prekindergarten, Early Childhood Intervention Program (ECIP), and AIM (Adapt, Include, Motivate). 

Prekindergarten Program

Prekindergarten classrooms are open to four-year-old children who are in their year before kindergarten. The school day runs from 8:45 a.m. until 1:45 p.m. and includes universal free breakfast and lunch for all children. Enrollment in prekindergarten is based on a lottery system. Classrooms are located throughout the city in the following schools: Michael E. Capuano Early Childhood CenterAlbert F. Argenziano School, Arthur D. Healey School, East Somerville Community School, John F. Kennedy SchoolWest Somerville Neighborhood School, and Winter Hill Community Innovation School.


Sonrisa is a bilingual prekindergarten classroom located at the East Somerville Community School for four-year-old students from families who speak Spanish as their native language. This Heritage Language Program will use an 80/20 Instructional model. The children will receive 80% of their instruction in Spanish, focusing on foundational literacy in Spanish first, and 20% of their day will be taught in English. 
In the Sonrisa program, all children will:
  • Have the opportunity to affirm their cultural heritage.
  • Develop age-appropriate first and second language and literacy skills in Spanish and English. 


Early Childhood Intervention Program (ECIP)

The Early Childhood Intervention Program (ECIP) is an inclusive, multi-sensory program. The ECIP program is designed to meet the needs of children ages 3-5 that have been identified in need of specially designed instruction due to a disability. ECIP includes peer partners from the community to serve as community peers. Students with and without disabilities benefit from this philosophy, as the classes provide a rich, language-based curriculum with a multisensory, developmental approach to teaching. Peers being considered for admission must be three years old and screened. Classrooms are located at the Capuano Early Education Center. Visit the ECIP informational page to learn more.


Adapt, Include, Motivate (AIM) classrooms are at the Capuano Early Childhood Center for students needing specially designed instruction on the autism spectrum. 


Afterschool programming is available to students enrolled in Somerville Public Schools who are ages four years and older. The program sites are located within our public schools through Somerville Community Schools. This is a fee-based program and scholarships are available. To find out more, please visit the Somerville Community Schools afterschool page. Community Schools offers the following for preschool learners:

  • Care until 5:30 p.m.
  • Small groups
  • Early childhood focus
  • Snack
  • Play
  • Projects


The Somerville Family Learning Collaborative, the family engagement arm of Somerville Public Schools, coordinates programming such as new parent groups, playgroups, home visiting, and kindergarten transition activities. These programs prepare families and children from infancy to school entrance and beyond. Visit the Somerville Family Learning Collaborative website to learn about programming and find ways to participate.