Learning Opportunities for Healey Students

The Healey School is an innovative participatory learning community. Academic competence is highly valued, and we believe that children learn best in a joyful, creative environment, one in which their natural curiosity, imagination and thinking are encouraged. Our curriculum is based on thematic, project based learning, designed to engage children's interest and best efforts. We are committed to an educational program that recognizes the importance of community in the lives of children. Three aspects of our program are evidence of this commitment:

Creative Arts: Participating in writing, dance, music, theater, film/video and visual art are vital and integral parts of our curriculum. The arts are essential to learning, a way for children to "represent" the world around them and celebrate who they are as individuals and as a community.

Effective Community Service: Inspiring a lifelong sense of civic participation, openness, caring and responsibility is an integral part of our school culture. Students apply academic skills and critical thinking as they develop, implement, and evaluate service learning projects at all grade levels.

Family Involvement: Families who join our school community become committed partners in their children's education, both supportive of and supported by our dedicated staff. Parents and students are encouraged to be active participants in the governance of our school.


Excellence  “I want to be challenged and helped when I need it, so I can learn and know as much as I can. I want to learn a lot of ways.”

Joy  “I want to be able to come in school in the morning looking forward to it and feeling happy. I would like to see myself grow by having fun and learn at the same time.”

Openness  “I want to be who I am at school and not be laughed at. I want to feel like I count.”

Creativity  “I want my work to show who I am as a unique individual.”

Grades & Learning Opportunities

PK–8  Positive school climate with social-emotional learning and health instruction.

PK–2  Field trip to Parlee Farms to learn about plant life cycles and biology.

Off-site learning opportunity at Plimoth Pawtuxet Museums to study the Wampanoag people and pilgrims.

PK–8  Arts integration as an important curriculum practice.

PK–8  Monthly lunchtime concerts in the cafeteria with local professional musicians and bands.   

PK–8  Use of Responsive Classroom and Second Step to support development of a positive school.

PK–8  Numerous rich, afterschool programs that include academic support, technology, and arts.

PK–8  Strong partnerships with Tufts University, Mystic Learning Center, and SomerPromise.

PK–8  Emphasis on experiential learning opportunities.

PK–8  A partnership with Groundwork Somerville that supports an onsite school garden for science.

PK–8  Library/media center open extended morning and afternoon hours for independent reading.

K–2 STELLAR: A partnership with Tufts University that includes full-time student teachers and tutoring in classrooms.  

Overnight trip to Red Gate Farm to study animal biology and where our food comes from, while caring for animals and working on a farm.

7–8  Overnight trips to Washington DC, New York City, or Philadelphia (alternating years) to learn about culture and civics.

6–8  Middle grade students take on a range of important leadership roles within the school, including tutoring, student government, and representing the school to visitors.

7–8  Middle Grades program that emphasizes college preparation, including visits to local colleges.

In 2013–14, 5 Healey students represented the District at the White House Garden Planting and Garden harvest events, as guests of First Lady Michelle Obama.