January 5, 2023
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year from all of us at SPS! We hope you had a restful winter break and are ready for another great year. We’re excited to kick off 2023 with our annual Prekindergarten and Kindergarten enrollment. The enrollment portal opened on January 4th and will remain open through February 24th. Families who enroll during this period will be eligible for priority enrollment. Read more and access the portal at www.somerville.k12.ma.us/enrollment. Early in 2023 the Somerville School Committee and its community Screening Committee will be reviewing applications for the district’s new Superintendent of Schools and hopes to select finalists for a round of public interviews in the next few months. Stay up to date and learn more at www.somerville.k12.ma.us/superintendent-search. For more information about what’s happening in SPS, read more below!
SPS Stories
Student-run Cosmetology Salon Welcomes Community Members
The Career and Technical Education Cosmetology Program does a great job placing students in local salons. Students gain professional experience by working with local community members, providing shampoos and cuts, braids, highlights, and more for low prices. Call 617-629-5250 x611550 for an appointment at the Cosmetology Salon. Appointments are available Wednesdays 10:00 a.m.–1:30 p.m. and Fridays 11:00 a.m.–2:00 p.m. Find the full menu of services, prices, and more information on the Cosmetology webpage.
SPS Students Shine at Winter Concerts
Winter Concert Season has been a hit, with amazing performances from students in prekindergarten through high school. Read the blog written by Kennedy School Music Teacher Ms. Ward and check out a few highlight photos. If you missed your child's performance, be sure to explore the SPS Winter Concert Playlist. The Brown School and East Somerville both have their winter concerts scheduled in January.
Winter Hill students Work With Tufts Education and Engineering Students
Fellows from the Tufts Center for Education and Engineering are facilitating engineering opportunities for our AIM program students, who are on the autism spectrum. Pictured are Tufts and AIM students working on an engineering project in Ms. Brown and Ms. Singleton's classroom.
Cappy the Cub Mascot
The Capuano Early Childhood Center, serving students in prekindergarten through grade 1, now has a new school mascot! Former United States Congressman, former Somerville Mayor, and lifelong Somerville resident Michael E. Capuano celebrated the reveal of the new mascot, Cappy the Cub, with students. Also in attendance were school staff, current Somerville Mayor Katjana Ballantyne, School Committee Member Andre Green, Interim Superintendent Dr. Jeff Curley, and Assistant Superintendents Jessica Boston-Davis and Chad Mazza.
Robotics Visits Prek-8 Schools
The SHS Highlander Robotics team brought their competition robot, BONK, to visit all district Prek-8 schools to generate interest in the robotics program and engineering. Team members presented and then demonstrated what their competition robot BONK can do, and fielded student questions. The Robotics Team engineered a Nintendo Switch to control the robot remotely so students could give driving it a try. BONK drives, turns, collects and shoots balls, and climbs. Eighth graders at the Winter Hill took turns rolling balls to BONK and driving the robot. Learn more at the Highlander Robotics webpage.
Information for Families
Masking strongly encouraged in Schools
Respiratory illnesses, including Flu and COVID-19, are increasing in Somerville. Masks can help reduce your risk of getting sick and we strongly encourage all members of our community to wear a mask for at least the first two weeks of January.
Enrollment for Prekindergarten and Kindergarten
If you have a child ready to start prekindergarten or kindergarten in the 2023–2024 school year, it's time to enroll! The school enrollment period runs January 4 – February 24, 2023. Learn more about the online enrollment process on the Enrollment Office website. Multilingual Enrollment Office staff and School-based Family and Community Liaisons are ready to assist you.
Martin Luther King Jr. Day
There will be no school on Monday, January 16, 2023 in honor of MLK Day.
Cab to Health Program
The City of Somerville is providing vouchers for free taxi rides to grocery stores and food pantries in Somerville, and to non-emergency medical appointments in Somerville and surrounding areas. You are eligible for the free taxi rides if you are a Somerville resident between the ages of 16–59, rely on public transit, and have limited income. You can sign up and check eligibility by filling out the form at https://tinyurl.com/somervillecab or by calling Alissa at 617-625-6600 x4321. Residents 60 years and older can contact Connie two business days in advance at 617-625-6600 x2319. For language support, contact SomerViva at somervillema.gov/ContactSomerViva or by calling 311 (617-666-3311). This program is funded through ARPA (American Rescue Plan Act) funding.