Community Schools Afterschool Program
Community Schools will be offering an interactive schedule by school for our afterschool students to log into between 9:00am and 4:00pm during the April 2020 break. The schedule will include Google Meet sessions with activities such as live breakfast and lunch chats with teachers from your afterschool program or classroom along with art, science, dance, drumming, parkour and more! Click April Virtual Vacation Programming to participate.
Community Partner Programs
The Beautiful Stuff Videos - Learn how to make homemade nature paints, toy binoculars, and other fun projects through this video series.
Citizen Schools - Citizen Schools is now offering virtual sessions with an Americorps Teaching Fellow. We are here to help support student learning in a variety of ways: homework help, tutoring support, social and emotional support, or a check in chat. Your child can sign up for a session by going to These sessions are password-protected to ensure the safety of all students. To request a password please contact any Citizen Schools Teaching Fellow or email one of the Campus Directors listed below.
- For Winter Hill: Angela DiPesa at
- For East Somerville: Ani Yanachkova at
- For Argenziano: Janae Dixon at
We are excited and committed to helping during this time of uncertainty. Please don’t hesitate to reach out with questions and keep an eye out for more Citizen Schools virtual opportunities coming soon!
Lesley University STEAM Learning Lab - Science Story Quilts: The goal of this workshop is to create a story quilt that builds and cultivates your identity as a scientist. This includes learning about scientists who come from diverse backgrounds; then you will learn how to make and using sustainable dyes to color fabric for the quilt. [SPSD Google Classroom & Google Meet]. Limited space available. For 3rd through 8th grade students.
Lesley University STEAM Learning Lab - Tic-Tak-Toe Remixed: This project is a game and a sculpture, which refers to a two- or three-dimensional artwork. Participants will create 3D models using Tinkercad and make physical versions of their models. [Google Classroom & Google Meet]. Limited space avialable. For 3rd through 8th grade students.
NatureLinc Farrington: Explore the joys of nature through indoor projects that you can do along with us, and interactive adventures where our staff will be outdoors while you engage from the comfort of your home.
Parts and Crafts Virtual Camp - Offering an online camp for kids aged 7-13 from 10am to 3pm with a lunch from 12-1pm.
Patriots' Day: The Somerville Historic Preservation Commission invites you to learn about and celebrate Patriots' Day this week with some fun virtual activities! Learn more about why we celebrate this important day in our history with this Patriots' Day Resource Guide.
Somerville Media Center - Discover journalism-remotely! Learn from real journalists in the field how to create a news package from start to finish. Conduct interviews, investigate issues, and write, host, produce and film your very own news stories that will be publicized on SCATV Channel 3, Youtube and beyond!
Somerville Public Library Virtual Programs - From weekly Story Times to family fun events, the SPL offers a variety of free virtual programs.
Young People's Project - The Young People’s Project is partnering with Somerville Public Schools to offer content for students to work on throughout April Break. We hope that by the end of the programming, students will have an introduction to FlagwayTM, which was a game developed by Bob Moses to create a mathematically rich gaming experience. Each day, they will build on math skills they were previously introduced to (prime and composite numbers, factorization, etc.) through interactive games and activities led by YPP Math Literacy Workers.
April Break 2020 Flier - English
April Break 2020 Flier - Spanish