Prekindergarten – 8th grade classrooms.

What makes the West Special?

The West Somerville Neighborhood School focuses on building student writing skills as a way of synthesizing thinking and to nurture creative expression. The ultimate goal is to develop students with skills to become independent and self-sufficient adults who contribute responsibly in a global economy. Learn more.

School Administration


Learn more about Middle Grades Intramural and Interscholastic Sports.

School report card

The West Somerville Neighborhood School regularly reports demographic and student progress data to the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE). This data is used to develop the annual No Child Left Behind progress report card for WSNS. The 2024 West Somerville Neighborhood School Report is available on the DESE website.

West Somerville Neighborhood School (PK–8)
André Pelletier
177 Powder House Boulevard
Somerville, MA 02144
United States
To report that your student will be absent, call 617-625-0378
School Hours
8:10am - 2:35pm
Grades K–8 (1:00 p.m. dismissal on Wednesdays)
8:45am - 1:45pm
Prekindergarten (12:00 p.m. dismissal on Wednesdays)
Free school breakfast served every morning at 7:30 AM