The materials listed below are meant to be a starting point on how to discuss racism in America historically and to this day. Please check back often as more materials are shared.

Resources to experience together as a family

CNN's Van Jones and Erica Hill partner with "Sesame Street" for Coming Together: Standing Up to Racism, a video town hall for kids and families.

Online discussions and resources webpage about race from the National Museum of African American History and Culture. For teens and older children, this is a comprehensive history of cultural and legal racism in America. The site talks about slavery and several concepts that form the basis of American racism.

Resources for Parents and Caregivers

Visit the robust list of resources for students and adults in this blog post by Katrina Michie, “Your Kids Aren’t Too Young to Talk About Race: Resource Roundup.” 

Dr. Howard C. Stevenson presents a blog post and video about “Talking to Children after Racial Incidents.”

Resources for Talking about Race, Racism, and Radicalized Violence with Kids, from the Center for Racial Justice in Education.

Book Lists for Children to Deepen Thinking on Race and Racism 

The Brown Bookshelf’s list of picture books, and middle grade and young adult novels written and illustrated by Black creators.

A list of “30 Books to Help You Talk to Your Kids about Racism,” by Alex Mlynek of Today’s Parent.

Diverse BookFinder is a comprehensive collection of children's picture books featuring Black and Indigenous people and People of Color (BIPOC).

Materials for Adults and Teens to Deepen Thinking on Race and Racism

So You Want to Talk About Race, a book by Ijeoma Oluo.

How to Be an Anti-Racist, a book by Ibram X. Kendi.

White Fragility, a book by Robin DiAngelo.

“From Christian Cooper to George Floyd: A Letter To White Parents” by Tabitha St. Bernard-Jacobs.

Take a look at The Equal Justice Initiative, an organization that works on criminal justice reform, school reform, and more. It includes a recommended reading list for adults on racial justice.