Do you want to Report an incidence of bullying? Please use our anonymous online form.

Preventing Bullying, Cyberbullying and Retaliation

The Somerville Public Schools (SPS) Bullying Prevention Plan was created over a period of nine months and was informed by comments from parents/guardians and community members, teachers, administrators, community partners and other experts from the PK-12 Student Support Unit of the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. SPS submitted its plan for addressing all components of the Massachusetts Anti-Bullying legislation on December 9, 2010.

Following approval of the Plan by the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, the District began implementing the plan by providing training and information to students, families and staff on 

(a) ways they can reduce incidents of bullying, and

(b) resources and services available to them.

Massachusetts Law

On May 3, 2010, the Massachusetts legislature passed a comprehensive law intended to prevent bullying, cyberbullying and retaliation in schools. The complete text of Chapter 92 of the Acts of 2010, AN ACT RELATIVE TO BULLYING IN SCHOOLS can be found on the website of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

Bullying Prevention Resources and Links

These brochures outline the District's bullying prevention and intervention plan, and give explicit details on (a) how to report allegations of bullying, cyberbullying, and retaliation, and (b) what a family can expect when a report has been made.

SPS Bullying Prevention Plan, Revised March 3, 2023

Anti-bullying Brochure - English

Anti-bullying Brochure - Spanish

Anti-bullying Brochure - Portuguese

Anti-bullying Brochure - Haitian Creole

  • Kids Against Bullying  Youth-focused bullying prevention resources - including polls, contests, videos, kids pages - compiled and manged by the Pacer center National Bullying Prevention Center.
  • Middlesex Partnerships for Youth  Middlesex Partnerships for Youth is the public education arm of the Office of the Middlesex District Attorney. Their website include links to myriad websites that address bullying, cyberbullying and related topics. Include some sites more suitable for law enforcement officers, teachers, health professionals, parents/guardians and other responders.
  • Prevention Education in the Somerville Public Schools  The Somerville Public Schools offers social competency instruction in all grades PK-8 using the Al's Pals, Second Step and Open Circle programs.
  • Stop Bullying Now  Campaign of the federal government to engage students and adults in creating cultures where bullying is not acceptable. Includes youth-centered web-based activites.


  • Guide to Cyberbullying: Awareness and Prevention, offers resources and context to parents and guardians for understanding cyberbullying.
  • Internet Safety for Teens  Adult-oriented articles and discussions about keeping teens and young adults safe on the Internet and in other social networking forums. Topics including strategies for installing safety controls on Facebook, tools for monitoring Internet use, etc.
  • Cyberbullying Fact Sheet and Link  The Massachusetts Attorney General offers information, fact sheets and additional links intended to promote cybersafety at school and at home.
  • Netsmartz Kids  A program of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, offers a cybersafety curriculum used in the Somerville Public Schools. Also includes activities for children, tweens and parents/guardians.
  • Tips to Prevent Cyberbullying 

Internet Safety for Parents from the Middlesex County District Attorney: